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Pretty much all the major businesses, regardless of industry or status, use Google to fulfill some kind of requirement. Be it Google Drive, Google Docs or ever familiar Gmail, it seems as if everyone depends on at least one of Google’s Services to support their daily life work routine. That being said, there are a few hidden gems in Google’s Toolbox which at times do not get exposure and consequently remain underutilized.

Although, it is true that Google has innumerable apps, however there are some which can have a serious positive impact on digital marketing initiatives for businesses and those seem to be on the low a bit. Moreover, Google’s products generally have “freemium” models, which offer an invaluable opportunity to improvise with a variety of unique techniques and dive in on what suits the niche brand most.

Everyone is testing out the latest and most effective tools from the world’s most gigantic Internet powerhouse. So it is advised to give a few of these seemingly under- recognized tools or products a try for better results.

Powerful Google Tools For Digital Marketing

Google Trends

If you are looking to boost up your SEO strategy, Google Trends is a tool that should not be neglected. It allows you to see how frequently a Keyword is searched so you can get a measure of its popularity.

Google Trends instantly creates a graph of the search volume categorized by language, country, region etc. revealing how the key phrase has evolved over a specific period of time. It also predicts how these phrases will trend in the near future, thus helping you in making more precise and prepared decisions.

Most importantly, Google Trends makes it relatively very easy to stay up-to-date with a certain product’s or service’s marketing language so that one can jump into interactive conversations about topics which are relevant to his/her niche.

Think With Google

Think With Google is more like a creative brain-faith we can depend on when searching for inspiration and improvisations for our digital marketing strategies. The resource contains valuable insights on industry trends, analytical research and statistics, tips on marketing techniques and unique outlets to give us new ways to venture for further success.

When devising your online SEO marketing strategy, especially if you have an E-Commerce Website and you are investing on a quarterly and yearly plan basis, do not skip out Think With Google. This tool also helps when a marketer is suffering from a writer’s block too.


According to experts’ reports, almost 66 percent of people say that a mobile-responsive website makes them more likely to buy a product, use a service or engage into reading in the case of blogs.

So it is very important to tap into the mobile revolution or one’s business may soon be left behind due to lack of innovation.

Go-Mo uses Artificial Intelligence and helps in making this transition to the digital world, a very comfortable experience. It is free for the first year.

It instantly generates a mobile-friendly version of one’s website. So you are no longer restricting your targeted on the go customers with a website that is almost impossible to navigate through.

Google Analytics

Studies show that Google Analytics is an overlooked tool among small and medium scale business enterprises. Without Google Analytics, executing website marketing strategies is like walking blindly in the dark.

Website analytics reveal critical data and results on how existing and potential customers interact with marketers online. When evaluated efficiently, the analytics insights offer plenty of opportunities for customer engagement enhancement and higher conversions as well.

So it is a must use tool for digital marketers who want to evolve and succeed gradually.

Lastly, as the horizons of technological advancements are widening day-by-day, one can expect a tech giant like Google to introduce more such effective and helpful tools for improving the digital marketing platform. However, it is not only the responsibility of technology leaders, but of users too to take the platform to a more evolved, matured and efficient level.